Artificial Intelligence WordPress Website Trends

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a buzzword; it’s a powerful tool that revolutionizes the digital landscape, and WordPress websites are no exception. As AI continues to evolve, it offers numerous opportunities to empower website owners and digital marketers, enhancing website functionality, improving user experience, and streamlining content management. In this blog post, we will explore five significant ways AI trends are set to impact your WordPress website, putting you in the driver’s seat of this digital revolution – if you know how to leverage the tools.

1. Enhanced User Experience & Personalization

One of the most prominent trends in AI is personalization, which involves tailoring content and recommendations to individual users based on their behavior, preferences, and browsing history. This trend mainly benefits WordPress websites, often serving diverse audiences with varying interests.

AI-driven personalization can be implemented on WordPress websites through various plugins and tools. For instance, machine learning algorithms can analyze user data to deliver personalized content, such as blog posts, product recommendations, and targeted advertisements. According to one study by Salesforce, 88% of marketers reported seeing a measurable lift in business results from personalization efforts, highlighting its potential impact on user engagement and conversion rates.

Moreover, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can enhance user experience by providing instant, personalized support. These AI tools can answer frequently asked questions, guide users through the website, and even assist with purchasing decisions, making the overall interaction more seamless and satisfying. Be sure to work with an SEO marketing agency with experience implementing, integrating, and upgrading these connections.

2. Improved Content Creation and Optimization

AI is also transforming how content is created and optimized for WordPress websites. AI-powered tools can assist with various aspects of content creation, from generating ideas to writing and editing articles. For example, platforms like OpenAI’s GPT-4 can produce high-quality, human-like text, helping content creators generate engaging blog posts, product descriptions, and social media updates.

In addition to content creation, AI can significantly enhance content optimization. SEO is crucial for driving organic traffic to WordPress websites. AI tools can analyze vast amounts of data to identify the best keywords, topics, and strategies for improving search engine rankings. Tools like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack already integrate AI functionalities to provide real-time suggestions for optimizing content based on search engine algorithms.

AI can also automate content curation, ensuring that your website always features fresh and relevant content. Of equal importance, the approach dovetails with changes to search algorithms. For example, Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) is an experimental search experience that uses generative artificial intelligence to provide users with quick and clear overviews of search topics without even clicking on a web page. Using AI tools in content creation makes you more likely to get picked up by Google’s AI-driven search rules.

3. Enhanced Security and Threat Detection

As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, ensuring the security of your WordPress website is more important than ever. We recommend any of these 7 best WordPress Security plug-ins to get started. However, as hackers evolve, so must the tools. AI will become increasingly crucial in enhancing cybersecurity next year by detecting and mitigating threats in real time. AI-powered security plugins and tools can analyze patterns and behaviors to identify potential vulnerabilities and malicious activities before they cause harm.

For instance, AI-driven security solutions like Wordfence and Sucuri can detect anomalies in website traffic, flagging suspicious activities that may indicate a cyberattack. These tools can also analyze login attempts, identify brute force attacks, and block malicious IP addresses automatically. By leveraging machine learning, AI can continuously improve its threat detection capabilities, adapting to new attacks and providing robust protection for your website.

In addition to threat detection, AI can enhance data protection through automated backups and recovery solutions. By regularly backing up your website data and storing it securely, AI ensures that you can quickly restore your site during a cyber incident, minimizing downtime and data loss.

4. Smarter Analytics and Insights

Understanding user behavior and website performance is essential for making informed decisions and improving your WordPress site. AI-powered analytics tools offer deeper insights and more accurate predictions than traditional methods, enabling you to optimize your website based on data-driven decisions.

AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify trends, patterns, and correlations that may not be immediately apparent. For example, AI-driven tools like Google Analytics 4 use machine learning to provide insights into user behavior, such as predicting which users are more likely to convert or identifying the most effective marketing channels for you to target with your limited advertising budget.

Moreover, AI can help you segment your audience more effectively, allowing you to tailor your content and marketing strategies to different user groups. By understanding the preferences and behaviors of various segments, you can create more targeted and relevant experiences for your visitors, ultimately driving higher engagement and conversion rates.

Another significant benefit of AI in analytics is the ability to automate reporting and visualization. AI tools can generate detailed reports and dashboards, presenting complex data in an easily understandable format. This automation saves time and ensures you can access up-to-date insights, helping you stay ahead of trends and proactively adjust your website strategy.

5. Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusivity

Making your WordPress website accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is a legal requirement in many jurisdictions and an ethical imperative. AI is playing a vital role in enhancing website accessibility and ensuring that everyone can access and navigate your site with ease.

AI-powered tools can automatically generate alt text for images, transcribe audio and video content, and provide real-time translations, making your content more accessible to users with visual, auditory, and linguistic barriers. For example, tools like Google’s Cloud Vision API can analyze images and generate descriptive tags, improving accessibility for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers.

Additionally, AI can enhance website navigation by providing voice-controlled interfaces and personalized recommendations. These features can help users with mobility impairments or cognitive disabilities interact with your website more effectively, ensuring a more inclusive user experience. The accessibility solutions continuously monitor your website for compliance with accessibility standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). By identifying and addressing accessibility issues proactively, AI ensures that your website remains compliant and user-friendly.

Final Thoughts on How Artificial Intelligence Trends Will Impact Your WordPress Website

Integrating AI into WordPress websites is not just a trend but a significant shift towards more intelligent, personalized, and secure online experiences. By leveraging AI-powered tools and technologies, you can enhance user experience through personalization, improve content creation and optimization, bolster security measures, gain more intelligent analytics and insights, and ensure accessibility and inclusivity.

As AI evolves, its impact on WordPress websites will only grow, offering new opportunities to innovate and transform your website into a more dynamic, engaging, and secure platform. Embracing these AI trends will enable you to create a website that meets and exceeds user expectations, ultimately driving higher user satisfaction and business success. The future of your website is bright with AI.

For more detailed insights and practical tips on leveraging AI for your WordPress website, continue to follow us here at Graphic Lux, where industry experts regularly share their knowledge and experience on the latest digital trends and technologies. It’s essential to stay informed about emerging AI trends and continually explore new ways to integrate these technologies into your WordPress site to stay ahead of the curve. By doing so, you can harness AI’s full potential to transform your website and deliver exceptional user experiences.

Need to dig even deeper into how artificial intelligence trends will impact your WordPress website? Get started on your SEO journey with Graphic Lux today!

WordPress consultation services

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing and web presence, businesses face the constant challenge of staying relevant and engaging to their audiences. As technology advances and consumer behaviors shift, the need for a robust, integrated, and user-friendly website becomes more critical. Recent studies, including one from HubSpot, indicate that websites optimized for performance saw an 11% increase in conversions last year, highlighting the direct impact of technical efficiency and aesthetic appeal on business success. 

Within this dynamic landscape, WordPress and WordPress Consultation Services have emerged as a cornerstone for building adaptable and powerful websites, a platform where Graphic Lux has carved out its niche as a leader in WordPress consultation services and website development.

Strategic Enhancement through WordPress Consultation Services

The integration of WordPress as a foundational platform for web development offers businesses the tools to create tailored experiences that drive user engagement and conversion. Graphic Lux leverages this versatile platform to provide comprehensive solutions that encompass site planning, strategy development, and aesthetic enhancement tailored specifically to each client’s business objectives. This bespoke approach ensures that all elements of the website—from the underlying architecture to the user interface—work in concert to meet strategic goals.

Expertise in WordPress allows Graphic Lux to offer continuous support and updates, ensuring that client sites not only start strong but also continue to evolve with changing internet standards and trends. Such ongoing enhancements are critical as they keep the content fresh, relevant, and engaging, which is essential for maintaining user interest and improving conversion rates. This is complemented by the firm’s ability to link strategic enhancements to business growth, which is well-documented in various industry analyses that underscore the importance of frequent, effective website updates. What are the specific advantages?

1. Navigating Complexities in Website Migration

One of the more technical aspects of Graphic Lux’s WordPress consultation services involves simplifying the process of website migration. Migrations, when mismanaged, can lead to significant disruptions in business operations and digital marketing effectiveness. The team at Graphic Lux specializes in ensuring that transitions to new hosts or platforms are seamless, maintaining all critical integrations and preventing any data loss.

The process includes thorough planning around URL mapping, setting up 301 redirects, and transferring content in a way that preserves the integrity of the site’s SEO—a vital aspect of maintaining online visibility. Luckily, SEMRush maintains a complete checklist for website migration to help walk you through what can be a difficult process.


2. Customization and Flexibility with Child Themes

The use of child themes is another area where Graphic Lux adds significant value. Child themes allow for customization of a site’s design and functionality without affecting the core programming of the original WordPress theme. This approach provides a safe environment for updates and changes, ensuring that customizations are not lost when the main theme is updated. By creating and modifying child themes, Graphic Lux ensures that each business’s site reflects its unique brand identity while retaining the flexibility to evolve as new updates are released.

3. Empowering E-commerce Through Expert Integration

For businesses looking to expand or enhance their online stores, Graphic Lux provides expert e-commerce solutions through WordPress’s WooCommerce integration. This powerful tool offers businesses a lower barrier to entry in terms of cost and a highly customizable platform for building out their e-commerce capabilities. Graphic Lux assists businesses in leveraging WooCommerce to design and implement online stores that offer tailored shopping experiences, from specialized product configurations to unique checkout processes. This level of customization ensures that businesses can offer their customers a seamless and engaging online shopping experience that stands out in a crowded market.

4. Optimizing Performance for Enhanced User Experience

Website speed and performance are critical factors in user engagement and SEO and one of the key elements of our WordPress consulting services approach. Slow-loading sites can drive away potential customers and diminish rankings in search engine results. Here’s an example of what a speed test looks like for one local football team with which you may be familiar:

wordpress services speed test

Graphic Lux addresses any issues by optimizing the website for speed through various technical strategies, including caching solutions, image optimization, the use of content delivery networks (CDNs), and database optimization. Each of these enhancements are crucial for businesses that aim to improve their user experience and maintain high visibility in search results. But don’t just take our word for it. Check out our work in action and learn how our strategy combines the best of all worlds and enable continuous improvement.

5. Driving SEO Success

Beyond the technical aspects of web development and maintenance, Graphic Lux offers specialized services in search engine optimization (SEO). The company conducts thorough audits of clients’ existing SEO setups and implements tailored strategies that align with the latest search engine algorithms. This proactive approach ensures that businesses achieve and maintain high rankings in search results, leading to increased visibility and organic traffic—an essential component of digital marketing success. Still have questions? We developed a guide to walk users through unlocking the full potential of SEO. 

Final Thoughts: The Graphic Lux Advantage

Choosing Graphic Lux for WordPress consultation services means partnering with a firm that brings a holistic approach to web development. Each project is treated as a unique opportunity to enhance a business’s digital footprint through strategic planning, technical expertise, and continuous improvement. The results speak for themselves: optimized websites that engage users, drive conversions, and sustain growth over time.

Businesses looking to leverage the full potential of their online presence are encouraged to view the successes of past clients featured in the Graphic Lux testimonials.

For those ready to transform their digital strategies, contact Graphic Lux today to schedule a consultation and begin the journey toward enhanced digital performance and business.

Web Designer or Developer

Web design and web development are two distinct but interrelated disciplines in the world of website creation. While they share similarities, they have key differences that are important to understand. In this blog post, we will explore the distinctions between web design and web development in more detail, without any emphasis on WordPress.

Web Design: Aesthetics, User Experience (UX), and Branding

Web design is primarily concerned with the visual aspects of a website, including its aesthetics, user experience (UX), and branding. Web designers are responsible for creating visually appealing layouts that are visually pleasing and aligned with the brand or purpose of the website. They carefully select fonts, colors, images, and other design elements to create an overall look and feel that represents the website’s message or identity.

In addition to aesthetics, web designers also focus on UX design. They create intuitive and seamless user experiences that ensure visitors can easily navigate through the website and find the information they are looking for. This involves considering the placement of elements, such as menus, buttons, and forms, as well as the overall flow and organization of content on the website.

Web designers often work with design tools such as Adobe XD, Sketch, or Figma to create mockups and visual designs of websites. They may also collaborate closely with clients or stakeholders to gather feedback and refine the visual elements of the website. Web designers also need to stay updated with the latest design trends and technologies to create modern and engaging websites.

Web Development: Technical Implementation and Functionality

Web development, on the other hand, is concerned with the technical implementation and functionality of a website. Web developers are responsible for coding and programming to create the underlying structure and functionality of a website. They use programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side languages like PHP to create dynamic web pages, implement features such as forms, e-commerce functionality, and database integration, and ensure smooth website navigation and performance.

Web developers work with code editors, version control systems, and other technical tools to write clean and efficient code that powers the website’s functionality. They may also work with frameworks, libraries, and APIs to streamline the development process and add advanced features to the website. Web developers need to have in-depth knowledge of programming languages, databases, and web technologies to create functional and interactive websites.

Web development can be categorized into two main types: front-end and back-end development. Front-end developers focus on the client-side of a website, dealing with the visual and interactive elements that users see and interact with in their web browsers. They work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create responsive and user-friendly interfaces. Back-end developers, on the other hand, focus on the server-side of a website, dealing with databases, servers, and server-side languages to handle data processing and server-side functionalities.

Collaboration between Web Designers and Web Developers

While web design and web development are distinct disciplines, they often overlap and require collaboration between web designers and web developers. Web designers and web developers work closely together to bring a website to life, combining aesthetics with functionality.

Web designers and web developers may collaborate on various aspects of website creation. For example, web designers may provide mockups or design files to web developers, who then translate the visual designs into code. Web developers may consult with web designers on user experience (UX) considerations or provide technical input on design feasibility.

Effective collaboration between web designers and web developers is essential to create a cohesive and functional website. It requires effective communication, understanding of each other’s expertise and limitations, and a collaborative approach to problem-solving.

Customization and Flexibility in Web Design and Web Development

Web design and web development also offer different levels of customization and flexibility in website creation. Web designers often work with pre-designed themes and templates, which provide a foundation for the website’s visual design. These themes and templates may have limitations in terms of customization, as they are pre-designed and may not fully align with the unique branding or vision of a website.

On the other hand, web development offers more flexibility and customization options. Web developers can create custom functionalities and features tailored to the specific needs of a website. This allows for more unique and personalized websites that are not limited by pre-designed templates. Custom web development also offers scalability, as websites can be built to accommodate future growth and expansion.

Web designers and web developers may work together to strike a balance between customization and functionality. Web designers may create custom visual elements within the limitations of the chosen theme or template, while web developers may provide input on the feasibility and efficiency of implementing certain design elements from a technical standpoint.

Web design and web development are distinct but interconnected disciplines in website creation. Web design focuses on aesthetics, user experience (UX), and branding, while web development deals with the technical implementation and functionality of a website. Both disciplines require collaboration and understanding between web designers and web developers to create visually appealing, functional, and user-friendly websites.

Web design often involves working with pre-designed themes or templates, while web development offers more customization and flexibility options. Ultimately, the choice between web design and web development, or a combination of both, depends on the specific needs and goals of a website. By understanding the differences between web design and web development, website owners, businesses, and individuals can make informed decisions when it comes to creating their online presence.

Whether you need a web designer, a web developer or both, Graphic Lux is here to help.  Contact us today.  We can go through your project together and see if we are a good fit.

Do's and Don'ts of Website Design, What to Avoid and What to Embrace

A well-designed website is essential for any business looking to establish a strong online presence. However, not all approaches to website design are created equal. While some can help businesses achieve their goals and improve their brand image, others can harm the website’s functionality and user experience. In this blog post, we will explore the do’s and don’ts of website design, specifically focusing on what approaches to avoid and what to embrace. Whether you’re a business owner looking to create a new website or a designer looking to improve your skills, this article will provide valuable insights and recommendations to help you create a high-quality, effective website.

Certainly, here are some additional approaches to avoid in website design, specifically related to design packages from companies and design contest websites:

1. Design Packages from Companies:

Design packages from companies may seem like a convenient and cost-effective option for website design, but they often come with significant drawbacks:

a. Lack of Customization:

Design packages from companies typically offer pre-made templates that may not be customizable beyond basic color schemes and fonts. This can result in a generic-looking website that does not accurately reflect the unique brand and personality of the business.

b. Poor Quality:

Companies that offer design packages often employ less experienced designers who may not have the expertise to create a high-quality website that meets the business’s needs. Additionally, design packages often have limited revision options, leaving the business with a website that may not meet their expectations.

c. Limited Functionality:

Design packages from companies often come with limited functionality options, which can limit the website’s capabilities and hinder the user experience. This can negatively impact the website’s effectiveness in achieving its goals.

2. Design Contest Websites:

Design contest websites allow businesses to crowdsource their website design by inviting designers to submit their designs for a prize. While this approach may seem appealing, there are several reasons why it is not recommended:

a. Quality Concerns:

Design contest websites attract a wide range of designers, from highly experienced professionals to amateurs. This can result in a large number of poor-quality designs, which can be a waste of time and money for the business.

b. Intellectual Property Concerns:

Design contest websites often require designers to sign over their intellectual property rights to the winning design, which can raise legal concerns for the business. Additionally, the business may not have full ownership of the design, which can limit their ability to make changes or modifications in the future.

c. Limited Customization:

Design contest websites often offer limited customization options, which can result in a website that is not tailored to the business’s specific needs and goals. This can limit the website’s effectiveness in achieving its objectives.

Recommended Approaches:

Here are some recommended approaches to website design that can help ensure a high-quality, effective website:

1. Custom Design:

Investing in a custom website design can help ensure that the website accurately reflects the business’s brand and personality, meets their specific needs, and provides a high-quality user experience. Custom design can also offer more flexibility and customization options.

2. Experienced Designer:

Working with an experienced designer can help ensure that the website meets the business’s goals, provides a high-quality user experience, and is optimized for search engines. An experienced designer can also provide valuable insights and recommendations for improving the website’s effectiveness.

3. Functionality and Usability:

Prioritizing functionality and usability can help ensure that the website is effective in achieving its objectives and provides a positive user experience. This includes ensuring that the website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and has clear calls-to-action.

4. Responsive Design:

Ensuring that the website is optimized for mobile devices is essential in today’s mobile-first world. Responsive design can help ensure that the website looks and functions well on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Investing in a high-quality custom website design, working with an experienced designer, prioritizing functionality and usability, and ensuring responsive design can help businesses create a website that effectively represents their brand, meets their goals, and provides a positive user experience. Meanwhile, avoiding design packages from companies and design contest websites can help businesses avoid poor quality, limited customization, and legal concerns.

How to Hire a WordPress Designer: Cost, Tips, and More

Are you looking to create a new website or redesign an existing one using WordPress? As a business owner, you may have many questions about the process, including how much it will cost, who to hire, and what platform to use. In this blog post, we’ll answer some of the most common questions about hiring a WordPress designer and building a website with WordPress.

How much does it cost to hire a WordPress designer?

The cost of hiring a WordPress designer can vary widely depending on their level of experience, the complexity of your project, and your location. In general, you can expect to pay for their services based on their hourly rate or project fee.

Where can I find good WordPress website designers?

There are many ways to find good WordPress website designers. You can search for designers in your local area or look for freelancers on online job boards. You can also ask for referrals from colleagues or friends who have had a good experience working with a WordPress designer.

How do I hire a WordPress website designer?

When hiring a WordPress website designer, it’s important to do your research and ask for references or a portfolio of their work. You should also discuss their process, timeline, and pricing before signing a contract. A good designer should be able to provide clear communication, understand your needs, and work within your budget.

Is WordPress better than other website builders?

WordPress is a popular choice for website building because of its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. It allows for customization and a wide range of functionality with its plugins and themes. However, other website builders such as Wix, Squarespace, or WebFlow  may be better suited for certain businesses or projects. It’s important to do your research and choose the platform that best meets your needs.

Do I need a web designer for WordPress?

While it’s possible to build a website on WordPress without a designer, it’s highly recommended to work with a professional. A web designer can help ensure that your website is visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for search engines. They can also provide ongoing maintenance and support to keep your site up-to-date and secure.

Why choose Graphic Lux for your design needs?

At Graphic Lux, we specialize in WordPress website design and can handle all of your design needs, from branding and logo design to website development and ongoing maintenance. We understand the importance of creating a visually appealing and user-friendly website that reflects your brand and achieves your business goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help bring your vision to life.

4 types of SEO

The 4 types of SEO 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective digital marketing tactics to improve the Google ranking of a brand website. Graphic Lux shares the various types of SEO that business owners must be aware of as they venture into SEO marketing.

SEO is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic.

1. On-Page SEO

On-page SEO tactics or on-site SEO refers to the practice of optimizing web pages to improve a website’s search engine rankings and earn organic traffic. Besides publishing relevant, high-quality content, on-page SEO includes optimizing headlines, keywords, HTML tags (title, meta, and header), and images. Some important practices in on-page SEO include researching keywords including terms and phrases that have high relevance and search volume; optimizing metadata such as meta titles and descriptions; and performing internal linking which involves linking targeted keywords to high-authority pages.

Google’s EAT framework will rank content that has established expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. On-page SEO helps search engines like Google to understand the content on a site and display relevant results on the top of SERPs.

2. Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO tactics that take place outside a website. Off-page SEO focuses on creating exposure and trust for a brand to increase website traffic and increase conversion rates. Although link building is considered to be the main off-page tactic, tactics such as content marketing, social media, appearing on podcasts, landing reviews, and building local citations are also important.

Link building is the practice of getting other reputable websites to link back to the brand site in question. Some great practices in link-building tactics include collaborating with relevant industry websites to publish the articles and guest blogging for reputable websites that are considered industry experts. In both cases, the website will link back to the brand website, boosting its credibility. Notably, this link building must be done at a gradual pace, especially if it is a young website because Google analyses not only the quality but also the speed at which a backlink profile is created.

Moreover, make sure that the backlinks are “dofollow” links, which are a descriptor of links describing that search engines crawl them and count them as votes of quality.

3. Technical SEO

Technical SEO tactics refers to improving the technical aspects of a website in order to increase the ranking of its pages in the search engines. Some of the main pillars of technical SEO are making a website faster, easier to crawl, and understandable for search engines. Besides a faster load speed, a website must be secure and mobile-friendly with a concise site structure that is easy to navigate.

4. Local SEO

Local SEO tactics optimize a website for a specific local area. It’s all about increasing a brand’s online presence in its community and promoting its products or services to local customers. It is highly targeted SEO.

By creating a Google My Business profile, brands ensure that their local business shows up on the SERPs. The search engine looks at proximity, relevance, and prominence based on the user’s search query.

To optimize Google My Business, local businesses should create and verify a Google My Business page, use Google Posts within their account, encourage customers to share reviews online, and respond authentically to reviews, specifying the location.

SEO Tactics

Why Graphic Lux?

Graphic Lux offers an array of digital services to clients across Buffalo, NY. It is a one-stop-shop for a business’ digital needs:

  • WordPress Website design, consultation, maintenance, and SEO: Graphic Lux specializes in WordPress website design and has over 12 years of experience. It can help build a WordPress custom theme from scratch or take a pre-existing theme and customize it as per client needs. The team also keeps the site running smoothly, without any downtime.
  • Hosting: The team offers the assurance that a website will be online and available for customers and visitors with all its data intact.
  • Brand building: The team can help create a strong brand identity for the client by optimizing the content using visual devices.
  • Dedicated support: With years of experience and unrivaled expertise the Graphic Lux support team will understand the client’s concerns and goals to give them peace of mind.
  • Responsive web design: Graphic Lux is on the cutting edge of designing and delivering responsive web and mobile apps. Its solutions decrease time to market and reduce maintenance costs.

For more information, email [email protected] or call at (716) 712-4589.

Contact Information:Graphic Lux

1 W Seneca St Suite 29-M18
Buffalo, NY 14203
United States

Matthew Lux
(716) 712-4589

WordPress Website Development

Best practices for an effective WordPress website development

One of the most popular CMS and website builders of all time, WordPress accounts for 26 percent of all sites on the web. To improve a website’s visibility, impact, functionality, and mobile readiness, businesses can follow certain best practices while building a new WordPress site. Graphic Lux shares some researched tips for website development on WordPress.

 1. Choose a Simple, Compelling Color Palette

Incorporating brand colors into the website design and theme is imperative. A great color palette sets the tone for the visitors, gives more impact to the website, and highlights the most important parts of the business online.

Too many colors on a website are discouraged. Instead, use a limited color palette that has two main colors such as black or dark gray on white background for readable text with call-out sections with a dark accent background and light text.

2. Uncluttered Clean White Space Design

A great website design uses white space intelligently. Too much information in a small amount of space makes it visually crowded making it unreadable. Whereas too much white space can make a design seem disorganized.

Designers must highlight the most important images, videos, and headlines with white space. Call-to-action buttons must also be highlighted by the white space around them.

 3. Custom Fonts and Typography

Using readable sans serif fonts like Helvetica is great but custom typography can help a brand’s voice substantially. On WordPress, there are a variety of font plugins that allow a selection of custom fonts that suit a brand.

Before choosing any font, it is important to consider its readability on desktop and mobile, as well as how it looks when customized when using italics or bold. The font must also stand out on a colored background or image.

4. Get Higher Quality Images

The latest and the highest quality photos that resonate with the brand’s tone must be chosen for the website. Stock images that have been around on the internet too long must be avoided.

Photos with unique people and settings that complement the content and communicate the brand image accurately with just a glance are ideal. If the organization has its own visually interesting and quality images, it will elevate the quality of the site by leaps and bounds.

5. Check the Readable Permalinks

A permalink is the web address used to link to the content. The URL to each post should be permanent and never change — hence the name permalink. Permalinks are set up under “Settings” in the WordPress dashboard. The standard WordPress URL format is should be changed to “post name” so that it appears as This assists with SEO and link structures.

A custom permalink strategy can be defined by a professional website design service such as Graphic Lux to help customize this important feature.

 6. Pick the Right Plugins 

Most WordPress themes come with many plugins that can drag down a site’s loading time and mobile experience besides interfering with one another and causing errors.

Most of the plugins are essential to build the website and organize different elements while others are for security, SEO, image optimization, and navigation. Any redundant plugins must be uninstalled and all relevant plugins must be constantly researched and updated. This constant tussle with plugins can sometimes be overwhelming.

Businesses can take support from WordPress website design specialists such as Graphic Lux to manage the complete process smoothly.

 7. Conduct User Experience Tests

Regularly monitor for the friction points that hamper the customer’s journey on the WordPress site. Every website has a navigational path. For example, customers are unlikely to fill in a form on mobile that requires multiple entries and takes forever to fill in unless they get something of immediate value to them in return.

Navigate to the website from desktop and mobile separately to identify the flaws such as page and image loading time, CTA button activity, and transaction or sign-up time for something. A user-friendly process is crucial for website efficacy.

Moreover, all the important content such as CTA and product must feature “above the fold”.

8. Smooth, Mobile-Friendly Navigation

A traditional navigation menu across the top includes links to “About Us,” “Products,” “Contact,” and more. Sometimes, there are sub-navigation menus that break out when the cursor hovers over each link. Although simple and clean navigation is ideal some businesses need a lot of navigational content. The best practice is to have structured and easily visible navigational content on desktop and mobile. The navigational menu should send the client in the right direction, it should load quickly and must work efficiently on mobile.

 9. Update the Site in Test Environments First

The security of a website is crucial and can be maintained by regular updates. WordPress offers security updates every month, but an incompatible plugin can make things insecure. The best practice is to update WordPress in a secure test environment and then check the site’s functionality before updating the live site. This ensures that if anything goes wrong, it is under control.

10. Become familiar with the Gutenberg Editor

Gutenberg, alternatively known as the “WordPress block editor” is the WordPress content editor introduced in WordPress 5.0, released on December 6, 2018. It has some special features for formatting and content blocks. With Gutenberg, every element in the content is a block, which allows for easy manipulation of content. Each paragraph is a block, each image is a block, each button is a block with its own formatting options, styles, and design options.

Businesses that are looking to improve their WordPress website or planning on creating new websites can reach out to the WordPress website design specialists at Graphic Lux for a smooth and effective website building experience.

Why Graphic Lux?

Graphic Lux offers an array of digital services to clients across Buffalo, NY. It is a one-stop-shop for a business’ digital needs:

  • WordPress Website design, consultation, maintenance, and SEO: Graphic Lux specializes in WordPress website design and has over 12 years of experience. It can help build a WordPress custom theme from scratch or take a pre-existing theme and customize it as per client needs. The team also keeps the site running smoothly, without any downtime.
  • Hosting: The team offers the assurance that a website will be online and available for customers and visitors with all its data intact.
  • Brand building: The team can help create a strong brand identity for the client by optimizing the content using visual devices.
  • Dedicated support: With years of experience and unrivaled expertise the Graphic Lux support team will understand the client’s concerns and goals to give them peace of mind.
  • Responsive web design: Graphic Lux is on the cutting edge of designing and delivering responsive web and mobile apps. Its solutions decrease time to market and reduce maintenance costs.

For more information, email [email protected] or call at (716) 712-4589.

Contact Information:Graphic Lux

1 W Seneca St Suite 29-M18
Buffalo, NY 14203
United States

Matthew Lux
(716) 712-4589

Higher Google Rankings

How to get higher Google ranking?

Success in the digital world is heavily dependent on Search engine optimization (SEO). Irrespective of the kind of business, the ranking of a website in search engines such as Google is something a business owner must consider seriously. An effective SEO strategy is indispensable for online visibility, attracting new clients, growing a business, and boosting profits. Graphic Lux shares tips to achieve higher Google ranking.

1. High-quality, SEO-optimized content

High-quality content is the key to SEO success. With the introduction of Google’s EAT criteria: expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness in 2018, the yardstick for content quality is sky-high. To attract search engines, businesses need to populate their website with quality content that is original and error-free.

Content should be in shorter chunks, keyword-rich, mobile-optimized, written to address the specific needs of the target audience, and should include relevant links to additional internal and external content.

2. On-Page SEO

High-quality content also needs to be optimized for search engines. Here’s how businesses can manage that:

  • Choose one primary keyword for the page and three to four related keywords.
  • Include the primary keyword in the URL.
  • The primary keyword must be included in the title tag, meta description, and H1.
  • Content should be high-quality and written according to eighth-grade reading level.
  • Create a content structure to make it easily scannable such as bullets and H1 headings.
  • Include at least one image to make the content attractive.
  • Insert links to high-quality sites with good Google rankings in the content.

3. Use Backlinks

Backlinks are links from other sites leading to the clients’ site. This is one of the most heavily weighted Google ranking factors. When a site is consistently referred to by other quality websites, Google recognizes that it’s trusted. Incoming links to a website content from high-authority domains establish a site’s authority, bring in traffic, and improve the search ranking.

4. Security

Digital security is indispensable. Great content won’t matter if the platform is not accessible and secure. High-quality backlinks cannot be generated on a website that is not viewed as trustworthy. To ensure website security, use HTTPS encryption and acquire an SSL certificate of the site. A secure connection between the platform and the end-users offers protection to the users.

5. Improve page speed

Top-positioned Google sites average a load time of fewer than 3 seconds. For e-commerce websites, 2 seconds is the acceptable threshold. According to Google Search Central, Google aims for less than a half-second. And with the latest Page Experience Update in June 2021, it is imperative to work on improving page speed. This update is intended to bring a better experience to users by prioritizing pages that offer a quality page performance — i.e. fast load times, and a non-shifting, stable page.

To speed up a website, business owners can minimize HTTP requests, minify and combine files, and use asynchronous loading for JavaScript and CSS files.

6. User engagement

Beyond quality and SEO-optimized content, there is one more crucial criterion for SEO success – engaging content. Google uses the artificial intelligence tool called RankBrain to assess user engagement. This tool looks at elements like click-through rate (how many people click when presented with a search engine result) and dwell time (how much time people spend on a site).

For better user engagement, use a clear site architecture that makes navigation simple. High-quality web design, engaging images, and captivating infographics also keep the visitors engaged.

7. Mobile-SEO

Mobile SEO is the process of optimizing a website to ensure that the site looks great and functions properly on mobile devices. This provides a positive site experience to users since it looks great on any device, regardless of the screen size. A website that is not mobile-friendly can hurt both the SEO and the audience’s perception of a business. In fact, 52% of users are less likely to engage with a company again due to a bad mobile experience.

The majority of all web traffic worldwide is now generated by mobile phones. Recognizing the importance of on-the-go web browsing, Google has explicitly stated that mobile-friendliness is a SERP factor.

8. Crawlability 

Crawlability ensures that search engines can discover a site amidst billions of live web pages. “Googlebot” is constantly crawling the web, looking for and indexing pages. Some of the most common reasons Googlebot misses sites is that the site is newly launched, the site’s design makes it difficult to crawl effectively, or the website policy blocks Googlebot from crawling.

The IT team should allow Googlebot to access any CSS, JavaScript, and image files used on the website. Google Search Console helps monitor and maintain a site in Google. It’s a place for submitting the sitemap, and it shows the web crawlers’ coverage of the site.

Why Graphic Lux?

Graphic Lux offers an array of digital services to clients across Buffalo, NY. It is a one-stop-shop for a business’ digital needs:

  • WordPress Website design, consultation, maintenance, and SEO: Graphic Lux specializes in WordPress website design and has over 12 years of experience. It can help build a WordPress custom theme from scratch or take a pre-existing theme and customize it as per client needs. The team also keeps the site running smoothly, without any downtime.
  • Hosting: The team offers the assurance that a website will be online and available for customers and visitors with all its data intact.
  • Brand building: The team can help create a strong brand identity for the client by optimizing the content using visual devices.
  • Dedicated support: With years of experience and unrivaled expertise the Graphic Lux support team will understand the client’s concerns and goals to give them peace of mind.
  • Responsive web design: Graphic Lux is on the cutting edge of designing and delivering responsive web and mobile apps. Its solutions decrease time to market and reduce maintenance costs.
 How to get higher Google Rankings?

For more information, email [email protected] or call at (716) 712-4589.

Contact Information:Graphic Lux

1 W Seneca St Suite 29-M18
Buffalo, NY 14203
United States

Matthew Lux
(716) 712-4589

Eight tips to write effective SEO Content

Eight tips to write effective SEO content

Content is king but search engine optimization (SEO) is the kingmaker. As the consumers become overwhelmed by endless content online, SEO and content need to work in tandem for successful results. Content needs to be relevant and fresh while SEO needs to acquire better page rankings to be able to make an impact. Graphic Lux, an SEO expert, shares some tips on effective SEO content writing.

  1. Know the target audience

Without understanding the needs of the target audience, writing content is futile. Writing content that is of interest to the target audience is important. All content doesn’t need to focus on the product or service on offer but can include industry-related topics that assert the company as an authority. Content that is SEO-friendly and relevant to the audience is the first step towards a successful content writing strategy.

  1. Create powerful headlines

An intriguing and precise headline is more likely to hook a reader. Including rich keywords in a headline are crucial for impact. Moreover, writing interesting meta descriptions that elaborate on the topic can prove to be very beneficial. The title of the article and meta descriptions need extra attention as they are the ones that show up in search results.

  1. Use relevant keyword phrases

The keyword phrases that people type into search engines when seeking information are the ones that must be inserted in the content. This makes the content searchable, raising the traffic on the concerned site. These keywords must be used in headlines as well as the main content to inform the search engine and the reader about the post topic. However, keyword stuffing can backfire by irking the readers or leading to penalties by search engines. Keywords must be used naturally, without force-fitting. Certain SEO tools like Semrush can be used to acquire keyword data.

  1. Structure the content

No one wants to read a blob of text that is unstructured and lengthy. In an age of short attention span, readers want their information quick and simple. Breaking the content into short, digestible chunks of information heightens the likelihood of it being consumed for intended impact. Bulleted points and highlighted text usually make a difference. Using proper tag hierarchy when tagging headlines H1 to H6 helps maintain a well-structured article.

  1. Invest in visuals

Human beings respond better to visuals. Adding images in a blog post goes a long way in visual communication and retaining the reader. Promoting the content across various social media channels while pinning images to a Pinterest account increases the number of avenues for the traffic to flow in.

  1. Leverage social media

Social media is an indispensable tool when it comes to expanding the reach and promoting the shareability of content. Articles must be posted on social media sites with engaging descriptions and calls-to-action. Needless to say that each blog must have share buttons to promote the content. Tools like Twitter Cards for Twitter or Open Graph for Facebook can help improve click-through rates.

  1. Include plenty of links

Link building is an important ranking factor for SEO. Google search engines are inclined towards keywords and keyword phrases that include a clickable link. Use hyperlinks to related articles and products offered by the client, or use links to other industry references. Including links at the beginning or end of the article and closing with a call-to-action that links to the client’s contact page are an effective SEO strategy.

  1. Monitor activity

Results must be measured to determine the effectiveness of the SEO content strategy. Google Analytics allows the tracking of page views and the average time spent on a page. Measure the bounce rate and time on site to understand how users are interacting with the website after landing on the content. A drop in these two factors may indicate the brand needs better content. The number of social interactions such as shares and likes also highlight the virality of the post. These tools and activities can help determine the success and failure of certain content and help adjust the strategy.

search engine optimization

Why Graphic Lux?

Graphic Lux offers an array of digital services to clients across Buffalo, NY. It is a one-stop-shop for a business’ digital needs:

  • WordPress Website design, consultation, maintenance, and SEO: Graphic Lux specializes in WordPress website design and has over 12 years of experience. It can help build a WordPress custom theme from scratch or take a pre-existing theme and customize it as per client needs. The team also keeps the site running smoothly, without any downtime.
  • Hosting: The team offers the assurance that a website will be online and available for customers and visitors with all its data intact.
  • Brand building: The team can help create a strong brand identity for the client by optimizing the content using visual devices.
  • Dedicated support: With years of experience and unrivaled expertise the Graphic Lux support team will understand the client’s concerns and goals to give them peace of mind.
  • Responsive web design: Graphic Lux is on the cutting edge of designing and delivering responsive web and mobile apps. Its solutions decrease time to market and reduce maintenance costs.

For more information, email [email protected] or call at (716) 712-4589.

Contact Information:Graphic Lux

1 W Seneca St Suite 29-M18
Buffalo, NY 14203
United States

Matthew Lux
(716) 712-4589

Tips to Choose the Right SEO company in Buffalo NY

Choose the right SEO agency

Amid thousands of SEO agencies in the market today, businesses are spoilt for choice and confused by it as well. Choosing the right SEO company can be the difference between a flourishing or a failing business today. Not only is it important to choose the right SEO company, but it is also imperative that businesses choose an SEO company that is right for them. Graphic Lux, a WordPress design expert, shares tips to choose the right SEO company.

1. Define SEO goals

Before setting out to hire an SEO company, a business should know what it hopes to achieve with SEO. Is the business seeking a sales boost by ranking for certain keywords? Are there concerns regarding the website’s bounce rate? Is the business aiming to increase its conversion rate? Is there a need to build a social media following, create sponsored content, or use other services that go beyond SEO? Knowing which area of online presence needs to be addressed makes SEO decisions much easier. Undergoing a digital marketing analysis by an SEO agency may help identify the area to focus upon.

2. Ethical practices

Researching SEO and understanding how it works helps companies differentiate between ethical and Black Hat SEO practices. Black Hat SEO is a term for unethical optimization practices that generate traffic swiftly and also get a company banned online as swiftly. Shortcuts like buying links, keyword stuffing, and cloaking violate search engine rules and can impact the rankings of a website. A good SEO requires a deep understanding of how search engines work, attention to detail, and constant modifications since Google’s algorithms change almost weekly.

3. Check out reviews

The most honest and unbiased opinion about a company can only originate from reviews. Businesses can check out the testimonials and reviews about an agency online. Sites such as Google, Yelp, and Glassdoor may prove helpful. There are a lot of lists out there but it makes better sense to ask for reference within one’s professional network. Businesses can also request case studies from the agency by calling them up or submitting a form online. A reputable agency can also provide a reference.

 4. Define the KPIs to chart progress

As the goals get defined and options are narrowed down, businesses must ensure that the SEO company they choose to work with has a clearly defined method of working and charting the progress.

Identifying the key performance indicators or KPIs is imperative. The SEO firm must understand and identify the metrics that are important for a business and translate that information into digestible data. Some of the important KPIs to consider may be based on the Organic sessions, Conversion rate, Keyword rankings, Google crawling mistakes, and Page load time.

 5. Effective communication 

Since it takes time and patience to build organic website traffic, businesses need to have a foundation of trust and strong communication with their SEO company. An SEO team that communicates effectively is indispensable for a constructive working relationship. An SEO specialist team must communicate the progress made in terms of the KPIs by analyzing the data and constantly working to improve the effectiveness of the SEO processes.

Why Graphic Lux?

Graphic Lux offers an array of digital services to clients across Buffalo, NY. It is a one-stop-shop for a business’ digital needs:

  • WordPress Website design, consultation, maintenance, and SEO: Graphic Lux specializes in WordPress website design and has over 12 years of experience. It can help build a WordPress custom theme from scratch or take a pre-existing theme and customize it as per client needs. The team also keeps the site running smoothly, without any downtime.
  • Hosting: The team offers the assurance that a website will be online and available for customers and visitors with all its data intact.
  • Brand building: The team can help create a strong brand identity for the client by optimizing the content using visual devices.
  • Dedicated support: With years of experience and unrivaled expertise the Graphic Lux support team will understand the client’s concerns and goals to give them peace of mind.
  • Responsive web design: Graphic Lux is on the cutting edge of designing and delivering responsive web and mobile apps. Its solutions decrease time to market and reduce maintenance costs.
 Tips to choose the Right SEO Company

For more information, email [email protected] or call at (716) 712-4589.