The Role of Search Engine Optimization in Website Design: Tips and tricks

Graphic Lux is a dedicated team of web professionals offering specialized web development services, including WordPress development, website maintenance, SEO content creation, brand building, web hosting, and more. They understand the importance of building an effective web presence to promote healthy business traffic. Web design and SEO professionals tailor every project to maximize customer interaction and satisfaction.

Below, Graphic Lux discusses how web design and search engine optimization work together to create success. Keep reading for the low-down on surprising ways SEO appears throughout quality web design and some tips and tricks used by experts in the field.

The Role of Search Engine Optimization in Website Design: Tips and Tricks

Tip #1: Good Overall Design

When most people think about search engine optimization (SEO) for websites, keywords and page content come to mind. While it’s true that much of the work for SEO happens during content creation, SEO also plays a vital role in how that content is displayed.

A well-designed, high-ranking website offers its users pages that are free of clutter and to-the-point. Each page within the website needs to have a clear and easily located purpose. Any necessary interactive elements should be placed and designed in such a way as to be discreet but inviting.

Website development experts have the benefit of knowing what drives quality user interaction on a website. These professionals create eye-catching, clear user interfaces to generate positive visitor experiences, build a successful brand reputation, and improve search engine rankings.

Tip #2: Target the Right Audience

Perhaps one of the most critical components of establishing a high-quality, effective web presence is understanding the needs and desires of the target audience. Successful companies and brands know exactly what their customers look for in a product or service and seek to improve to meet those expectations more effectively.

With so many unique people in the world, it can be a challenge to have a focused perspective on what a customer base needs. Web SEO professionals study consumer habits, web traffic, and other patterns to get a more accurate picture of what people experience and search for.

These experts build web pages and create content that puts the consumer’s needs first and upfront, reducing the number of steps between the customer and the end goal of the interaction.

Tip #3: Keywords, Keywords, Keywords

Keywords are a natural byproduct of having a clear understanding of the target audience or consumer base. Knowing the goals, needs, and wants of website visitors helps web developers single out best-use keywords. Keywords function as a critical part of SEO web design.

SEO content creators use keywords in nearly every web page element or piece of content, including meta descriptions, anchor text, title tags, and more.  Well-placed, tastefully-used keywords help search engines rank a web page’s relevance and usefulness for individual searches. What’s more, keywords help visitors know they’re in the right places for the products or services they need.

Web development and SEO professionals create high-quality, readable SEO content to improve any business page’s ranking. For SEO content to be effective, it must be informative, concise, and well-written.

For more information about SEO and web development, reach out to Graphic Lux today at (716) 712-4589 or follow them on Facebook for more helpful tips

Contact Information:Graphic Lux

1 W Seneca St Suite 29-M18
Buffalo, NY 14203
United States

Matthew Lux
(716) 712-4589

Types of SEO keywords explained

In the digital era, what sets a business apart from its competitors? The right SEO keywords. Graphic Lux, an SEO services company in Buffalo NY, dives into the various types of SEO keywords that businesses must be aware of as they aim to appear in their potential customer’s searches.

SEO keywords are the words or phrases that people utilize to search for information, products, or services of their interest online. They are the building blocks of search engine optimization. These words or phrases are also used by internet search engines to rank and sort content on the internet.

Businesses must choose keywords for SEO beginning with strategic keyword research. This requires an analysis of the volume of monthly searches and the competitiveness of the businesses’ potential target keywords in terms of search and paid difficulties.

The types of keywords discussed below vary in terms of word length, search volume traffic, and search or paid difficulties. They are defined by the number of words they contain and their role in the web page content. Moreover, they are also shaped by the various stages in the consumer’s purchase journey including Buyer Awareness and Discovery, Consideration, Conversion and Purchase, and Re-engagement.

General Types Of Keywords

1. Short-Tail Keywords

Head keywords or generic keywords usually cover broad search terms that normally attract high volumes of search traffic. With their length of only one to two words, these keywords are high in competitiveness in search ranking.

2. Mid-Tail Keywords

Commonly consisting of two to three words that offer a better description of what the user searches, mid-tail keywords often shift from having a high traffic volume and more competition to having low traffic volume and less competition.

3. Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are the most descriptive and target-specific keywords with four or more words. With typically a low traffic volume and lesser competition compared to the first two types of SEO keywords in SEO, long-tail keywords enable better ranking and easier conversion.

Must-have keywords 

1. Primary Keywords

The main topic or idea on a web page content becomes the primary keyword. Every single page on a website must have a single primary keyword to target. For instance, laptops.

However, stuffing the keyword is not advised for the search engines, especially Google, will most likely penalize the web page for it. Consult an SEO expert to identify the right primary keyword for each web page.

2. LSI Keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing)

These are related keywords that search engine systems view as semantically related to primary keywords. These are various sets of words surrounding a topic that consumers type in search engines.

Essentially, a web page must have a single primary keyword and at least three or more LSI keywords to maintain a variety in target keywords, avoid keyword stuffing and cover a wide range of search terms used for a particular topic.

Industry & Business Specific SEO Keywords 

These keywords are targeted specifically to the industry, its target customers, or the market.

 1. Market Segment Keywords

These are keywords that are related to general industries, brands, or products. Customers usually use a broader terminology for their product research, which is also the first stage of their purchase journey.

2. Customer-Defining Keywords

These keywords are used by a subset of the audience or customers to define a very specific need and user. For instance, laptops for professional graphic designers.

 3. Branded Keywords

Branded keywords, as the name suggests, are specific to a specific brand that a customer is searching for. It may include a brand’s name along with specific product descriptions, or a product name, or a product type.

 4. Product Keywords

These keywords are typically used by e-commerce retail stores of products from different manufacturers in a particular niche. These are search terms that specifically seek certain products and services of a company. For instance, MacBook Pro laptop specs.

 5. Competitor Keywords

Researching the keywords being used by competition is a good practice that ensures that a brand can target similar buyer interests and potential customers who are yet to become aware of the brand or its website. Being aware of a competitor’s top products and keywords can help a brand understand the target audience’s needs and generate fresh ideas for SEO strategy.

 6. Geo-Targeted Keywords

These types of keywords target a specific country, state, city, or neighborhood. They are essential for local businesses looking to reach users in their local area. Moreover, these keywords are typed by users who are looking for physical stores or service locations near them. For example, Microsoft laptop shops in Buffalo, NY.

 Buyer Intent Keywords

Buyer intent terms show the searcher’s intent to buy or purchase a product or service. These can be used across the customer purchase cycle and may not mean a purchase right away. These keywords are very important in SEO as they help identify the stage of the purchase journey that a customer is currently in, also called a funnel.

 1. Informational keywords

These keywords are used in a buyer’s awareness stage of the journey. They often use informational keywords with an awareness of a problem and the intent to know or learn about a possible solution.

 2. Navigational keywords

Searchers use navigational keywords in the consideration phase of the buyer journey. They are researching different brands and visiting different websites to identify the best solution to their problem.

 3. Transactional keywords

This type of keyword is used by searchers who are in the conversion phase of their journey. The research is complete, the solution has been identified, and they are looking for the right place to purchase the product or service.

Researching the right keywords in SEO and analyzing them is a massive and ongoing task. Graphic Lux can simplify these processes for organizations with its team of SEO keyword research specialists.

Why Graphic Lux?

Graphic Lux offers an array of digital services to clients across Buffalo, NY. It is a one-stop-shop for a business’ digital needs:

  • WordPress Website design, consultation, maintenance, and SEO: Graphic Lux specializes in WordPress website design and has over 12 years of experience. It can help build a WordPress custom theme from scratch or take a pre-existing theme and customize it as per client needs. The team also keeps the site running smoothly, without any downtime.
  • Hosting: The team offers the assurance that a website will be online and available for customers and visitors with all its data intact.
  • Brand building: The team can help create a strong brand identity for the client by optimizing the content using visual devices.
  • Dedicated support: With years of experience and unrivaled expertise the Graphic Lux support team will understand the client’s concerns and goals to give them peace of mind.
  • Responsive web design: Graphic Lux is on the cutting edge of designing and delivering responsive web and mobile apps. Its solutions decrease time to market and reduce maintenance costs.

For more information, email [email protected] or call at (716) 712-4589.

Contact Information:Graphic Lux

1 W Seneca St Suite 29-M18
Buffalo, NY 14203
United States

Matthew Lux
(716) 712-4589

We have entered the SEO era of the internet. To stay competitive in an increasingly global market, learning the language of SEO keeps you in the game by opening you up to the widest audience possible: anyone with the ability to Google search.

What is SEO?

“SEO” stands for “Search Engine Optimization” and refers to the process of growing and optimizing a website’s traffic from organic search results. This relies primarily on factors like content creation and readability, keywords, technical audits, and link building.

Search engines like Google rely on keywords associated with your article or blog post to bring relevant material to inquirers. This is why it is so important to find the right keywords to associate with your content—if your material isn’t relevant to someone searching for a specific topic, they’re going to move on to the next platform.

In essence, technical audits assess the overall health of your website’s SEO and uncover potential ways to improve it. This typically includes factors such as outside links within your content, hosting, page loading speed, target keywords, and more.

Link building is the process of encouraging outside platforms and websites to link to your website. The more links to a page the better it fares in search engine rankings, because links indicate to Google that your content is worth sharing.

Benefits of SEO for Divorce Lawyers in Buffalo, New York

There are several benefits of optimizing your website content for search engines. Here are six huge benefits of working with SEO:

  • Choose your clients. By carefully selecting keywords for your content, you can hand select the demographic you wish to reach. For this to be most effective, you must be very clear with who you wish to attract. Who will be looking for divorce lawyers in Buffalo, New York?
  • Optimize your platform. To keep current in the world of SEO, it behooves your firm to cultivate the best user experience possible when using your website. This includes factors like page loading speed, mobile friendliness, image compression, and more. Optimizing your platform in this way helps shuffle you to the top Google rankings for divorce attorneys in your area and brings you into the forefront of the industry with real-time interest.
  • Build your online presence. By crafting a digital footprint or dossier, you are effectively building trustworthiness with your target demographic. Think of it like a building an extensive portfolio! The more content you produce, the better.
  • Trace the efficacy of your marketing. With analytics tools, it’s possible to associate successes with your SEO outreach to keywords that bring you the best results. This makes for great marketing analysis, and even better, there are a wide array of free analytics tools available today. Google Analytics is one example.
  • Low cost of marketing. SEM, or Search Engine Marketing, is a lower-cost way of reaching your customers. If you do enough digging on SEO optimization, you will encounter the phrase “content is king.” This means that volume of quality content—versus paying for airtime, for example—yields the best results for customer outreach. The good news? The more you build your online dossier, the easier it will be for customers to find you.
  • Boost efficacy of customer outreach and connect with a wider audience.  SEM relies primarily on inbound marketing versus outbound marketing. This is beneficial because outbound marketing relies on interrupting a customer’s day with tactics like cold calls, cold emails or spam, and interruptive ads. These are seen as marketer-centric and don’t always leave the best impression on your customers. Inbound marketing, in comparison, relies on SEO, blogging, and attraction to bring your clients to you organically. These methods are considered customer-centric and tend to generate genuine interest in your services: a win-win.

Know Your Clients

If you are relying on SEO to bring in most of your clients versus other forms of advertising (or word of mouth), producing plenty of content should be the main strategy for your SEM. Invest in customer analytics and get to know the folks who arrive at your firm. Looking at factors like geographical data, time of day the content was accessed, how long the average user was on your website, etc, gives you crucial information about when to post, how to write, and how to format your website for maximum user-friendliness.

A basic first step into consumer analytics would be keyword research. This is the process of discovering what folks typed into Google in order to arrive at your website. Keyword research allows you to come up with stronger keywords to call in your new clientele.

One great resource for keyword research is Answer the Public. One could type “divorce lawyer” into their search bar, for example, and would be met with a map of commonly searched phrases which connected readers to divorce lawyer content. Best of all? This website offers users two free searches a day with the option to upgrade to their premium model.

Beyond SEO for Divorce Law Firms

SEO-based marketing is a low cost, user-friendly approach to connecting with your audience; however, rising to the top of search engine optimization for divorce lawyers in Buffalo, New York is just part of the battle. In addition to keyword optimization, it’s important to make your tone palatable to your target demographic and your content well-formatted and easy to read. Putting your readers at ease makes them more likely to stay curious about your services and to poke around your website!

While it’s not a bad idea to cast a wide net with your keywords, remember to list any qualifications or specialties that might set your firm apart from the others. Writing to your strengths this way will make you sound like an authority online as well as in the court room. This may prove to be the difference between an inbound lead and a lifelong client!

Low-Cost SEO Optimization Tools

Because cultivating your SEO rankings requires maintenance like customer research and content production, it is often beneficial to employ the use of SEO optimization software. This takes the guesswork out of your SEM strategy and gives you the confidence to know you’ve produced the best possible content.

Here are a few examples of free or low-cost SEO optimization tools:

Choosing a writing editor that optimizes your content as you go helps you to become a more capable content producer. With a litany of different tools and platforms available to do just that, it really is as simple as setting your budget.

Next Steps

Now that you know some SEO basics, it’s time to get started! Whether you want to dive right in by searching for keywords or begin by optimizing your platform, here are a few first steps to get you headed in the right direction:

  • Analyze your website speed. Let’s face it: if your website takes forever to load, a user could easily lose interest. Keeping your website trim and up to speed boosts your chances of keeping your readers’ attention. Here are some tools to help with this:
      1. Google’s Lighthouse, for website performance, SEO, reader accessibility, and more. This tool can be run as an extention of your Google Chrome browser.
      2. Optimizilla, for image compressing. This free resource converts large JPEG and PNG images to the smallest possible size without sacrificing quality.
  • Make your website mobile-friendly. Even if your website looks amazing from a desktop, it’s important to have a mobile version of comparable quality in order to put your best foot forward at all times. Here is a resource on how to make your WordPress mobile-ready.
  • Create regular content. There really is no substitute for volume of content. Whether you want to hire a freelance writer or use software services designed to help you produce SEO-ranking content, it’s beneficial to have posts queued in your schedule and lined up to post. Posting regularly helps to establish your credibility in addition to wrangling a higher volume of readers. Don’t forget to publish internal links!

Don’t have the time or expertise?

Graphic Lux can get you to the top of Google search rankings/results when it comes to people searching for divorce law firms. We have a search engine optimization team ready to start making your return on investment. Click the button below to schedule an appointment to review your SEO needs. We look forward to hearing from you.


In the wide world of internet content, you need SEO knowledge to throw your hat in the ring. Climbing your way to the top google rankings for divorce law firms in Buffalo requires customer analytics, constant content output, and a little bit of optimization software to keep you competitive.

Whether you are interested in building your online brand or making new lifelong clients, creating a streamlined user process helps to set your platform apart in a sea of white noise. By taking a few simple steps, such as compressing your photo files or creating a mobile version of your website, you can increase your engagement with your viewers and make the lasting impression that you want.

This is the magic of SEO: harnessing the crowd-sourced power of Google.

Real SEO is our philosophy.

Graphic Lux believes that only real SEO will get results that work and stay to help you rank higher for your keywords.  We are one of the best SEO teams in Buffalo, NY.   We also are local to all WNY area’s including Rochester, Syracuse and even into Erie, PA.  We can help with all of your SEO needs.   Real SEO uses Research, End-User Value, Analysis and Links.


The old adage, Know Your Audience, still holds true.

Every campaign begins with research to identify keywords and themes that will guide us to create content designed to build a relationship with customers and prospects.

We help you find the keywords that have the right mix of monthly search volume and rankability. Our team turns these keywords into themes that will guide us in updating your client’s website and developing content designed to build a relationship with customers and prospects.

End-User Value

Provide your audience with content.

Our professional content designers create Featured News, informational articles, BuzzGraphics and blog posts that are appreciated and utilized by customers, prospects, online publishers and others who share and link to trustworthy content.

Our professional content designers create Featured News stories, original articles, BuzzGraphics and onsite blog posts that inform and educate customers and prospects.


Analysis comes before, during and after every campaign.

Our approach to analysis includes both tracking and tuning. We monitor and track rankings and traffic so we can adjust the plan of action to achieve the client’s goals.

We monitor and track rankings, organic traffic from keywords and search traffic so we can adjust the plan of action to achieve the client’s goals.


Links don’t come easily. But HubShout has connections.

77.8% of pages at the top of the search results have an external link, according to a study. Top search rankings typically don’t happen without links, and rarely does great content earn links without tremendous effort and the right connections. We make the effort and have the right connections.

Our Publishing Partners, the Graphic Lux News Team and our groundbreaking Featured News service are just a few of the connections Graphic Lux has in place so that when we create great content, links do come. And links, more than anything else, have an impact on your clients’ search rankings.

Interested in starting a Real SEO campaign with Graphic Lux?


Want to see what Graphic Lux can do without a long contract?

To succeed in business, one of the most important aspects is your brand. It doesn’t matter where you are at with your business, whether you are just starting or have been in the game for a while, you should always be thinking about how to improve your brand.

Thankfully, social media websites like Facebook & Twitter make it much easier for us to improve our brands. Below are a few Twitter tricks to keep in mind when attempting to grow your personal brand.

Don’t be afraid to interact with your followers

Don’t just tweet and ignore all your other followers. Spend some time each day going through your Twitter feed! Take the initiative to like and retweet your favorite tweets. In addition, you should make an effort comment on tweets when you have a chance In an age where social media reigns supreme, engaging with your followers is the name of the game. Whether you’re trying to build a relationship with someone who you idolize, working on growing your professional network, or simply just being friendly to a follower, interacting with other users’ tweets will play a big role in improving your brand.

Take advantage of organized lists

If you’ve been on Twitter for a few years, you’ve probably already noticed how fast the amount of people you follow can increase. If you continue to follow people at a rate of even one or two a week, you’ll likely start to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tweets coming through your feed. Using lists, however, will allow you to put similar users into categories and will filter only their tweets to a single thread. You can have as many lists as you want, too. Simply follow a new user (or just add them to a list without following them), add them to however many lists you want, then keep track of their tweets that way. You can have a list for family and friends, coworkers, people who you want to network with, news outlets, and just about any other category idea you have.

Key up to date with trending topics

As an internet user, you’re probably pretty tuned in to worldly affairs. But on the off chance that you miss something, Twitter has you covered. Take a look at what’s trending each day so you can stay in the loop. If something major is happening in the world, both digitally and in the real world, it’s important that you at least know the bullet points so you can stay informed. By tweeting in those trending threads, though, and using the accompanied hashtags, key phrases, and keywords, your tweets will have the potential to be seen by a lot more users, subsequently increasing your interactions and growing your brand.

Whether you’re new to Twitter or you have thousands of followers; you should always be working on improving your personal brand. Organize your followers into lists, use those hashtags, interact and network with people, and always be persistent!

High quality photos are a must for a complete user experience. Whether it’s a high-definition slider image sprawled across your homepage, or rows of small thumbnails to feature your products, your website images cannot be left out of your SEO strategy. Once you select the perfect keywords for your web content and write your website copy with precision, you should take the time to fully optimize your images, as well.

Images, just like keyword content, can also send powerful ranking signals to Google. And once new visitors find your site, those images can keep their time on your website longer.

With the correct tools & knowledge, optimizing your photos for Google (or any search engine) will help with your overall SEO rankings.

Follow These Photo Tips!

  1. Use Quality Editing Software
    If you hire a photographer or take your web and social photos in house, be sure to also invest in editing software. Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom are industry standard (we like Photoshop here more but that’s because we have been using it for 17 years), offering various options to customize images for the web. Any photographer or web designer you hire will likely have knowledge of these platforms.
  2. Save In The Right Format
    When it comes time to save the image, be sure to select the ‘Save For Web’ option whenever it’s available this will automatically make the resolution to 72 which is perfect for the web. Saving the photo as a JPG is usually a safe bet as well, but PNG’s will need to be used if you want a high quality looking image with a transparent background.
  3. Name The File Strategically
    When you export the photo, you will have to give the photo a name. Give it a clear name, as search engine crawlers can detect keywords within these names. For example, for a photo of a short sleeve shirt that you sell, it is better to name it short_sleeve_tshirt.jpg, rather than image123.jpg. Follow the same rule when labeling your alt tags (alternative tags, good for SEO and screen readers). This way, a search engine will better identify the subject of the photo.
  4. Write The Best Caption
    While it’s easy to let them fall through the cracks, photo captions are an important part of your web copy. Invest time in crafting a brief, snappy description for each photo that includes keywords and clear language. This is especially important for your product and blog images.

Pay attention to your analytics and test out various methods to determine what works best for your website. While one large photo may work for your homepage, several smaller photos may work for another. Also be sure to pay attention to loading times, social analytics, and other metrics during this process.

Investing time and money into your web photos will give you the edge you need to stand out amongst your competitors. With the right approach, you can leave the best impression on a page visitor by greeting them with a bold, high-quality image. And with the right SEO techniques to go along with it, you can leave the best impression on Google’s web crawlers, too.

Do you need help with Photo Optimization or any general SEO?