To succeed in business, one of the most important aspects is your brand. It doesn’t matter where you are at with your business, whether you are just starting or have been in the game for a while, you should always be thinking about how to improve your brand.

Thankfully, social media websites like Facebook & Twitter make it much easier for us to improve our brands. Below are a few Twitter tricks to keep in mind when attempting to grow your personal brand.

Don’t be afraid to interact with your followers

Don’t just tweet and ignore all your other followers. Spend some time each day going through your Twitter feed! Take the initiative to like and retweet your favorite tweets. In addition, you should make an effort comment on tweets when you have a chance In an age where social media reigns supreme, engaging with your followers is the name of the game. Whether you’re trying to build a relationship with someone who you idolize, working on growing your professional network, or simply just being friendly to a follower, interacting with other users’ tweets will play a big role in improving your brand.

Take advantage of organized lists

If you’ve been on Twitter for a few years, you’ve probably already noticed how fast the amount of people you follow can increase. If you continue to follow people at a rate of even one or two a week, you’ll likely start to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tweets coming through your feed. Using lists, however, will allow you to put similar users into categories and will filter only their tweets to a single thread. You can have as many lists as you want, too. Simply follow a new user (or just add them to a list without following them), add them to however many lists you want, then keep track of their tweets that way. You can have a list for family and friends, coworkers, people who you want to network with, news outlets, and just about any other category idea you have.

Key up to date with trending topics

As an internet user, you’re probably pretty tuned in to worldly affairs. But on the off chance that you miss something, Twitter has you covered. Take a look at what’s trending each day so you can stay in the loop. If something major is happening in the world, both digitally and in the real world, it’s important that you at least know the bullet points so you can stay informed. By tweeting in those trending threads, though, and using the accompanied hashtags, key phrases, and keywords, your tweets will have the potential to be seen by a lot more users, subsequently increasing your interactions and growing your brand.

Whether you’re new to Twitter or you have thousands of followers; you should always be working on improving your personal brand. Organize your followers into lists, use those hashtags, interact and network with people, and always be persistent!

Search Engine Optimization - SEO Buffalo NY

High quality photos are a must for a complete user experience. Whether it’s a high-definition slider image sprawled across your homepage, or rows of small thumbnails to feature your products, your website images cannot be left out of your SEO strategy. Once you select the perfect keywords for your web content and write your website copy with precision, you should take the time to fully optimize your images, as well.

Images, just like keyword content, can also send powerful ranking signals to Google. And once new visitors find your site, those images can keep their time on your website longer.

With the correct tools & knowledge, optimizing your photos for Google (or any search engine) will help with your overall SEO rankings.

Follow These Photo Tips!

  1. Use Quality Editing Software
    If you hire a photographer or take your web and social photos in house, be sure to also invest in editing software. Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom are industry standard (we like Photoshop here more but that’s because we have been using it for 17 years), offering various options to customize images for the web. Any photographer or web designer you hire will likely have knowledge of these platforms.
  2. Save In The Right Format
    When it comes time to save the image, be sure to select the ‘Save For Web’ option whenever it’s available this will automatically make the resolution to 72 which is perfect for the web. Saving the photo as a JPG is usually a safe bet as well, but PNG’s will need to be used if you want a high quality looking image with a transparent background.
  3. Name The File Strategically
    When you export the photo, you will have to give the photo a name. Give it a clear name, as search engine crawlers can detect keywords within these names. For example, for a photo of a short sleeve shirt that you sell, it is better to name it short_sleeve_tshirt.jpg, rather than image123.jpg. Follow the same rule when labeling your alt tags (alternative tags, good for SEO and screen readers). This way, a search engine will better identify the subject of the photo.
  4. Write The Best Caption
    While it’s easy to let them fall through the cracks, photo captions are an important part of your web copy. Invest time in crafting a brief, snappy description for each photo that includes keywords and clear language. This is especially important for your product and blog images.

Pay attention to your analytics and test out various methods to determine what works best for your website. While one large photo may work for your homepage, several smaller photos may work for another. Also be sure to pay attention to loading times, social analytics, and other metrics during this process.

Investing time and money into your web photos will give you the edge you need to stand out amongst your competitors. With the right approach, you can leave the best impression on a page visitor by greeting them with a bold, high-quality image. And with the right SEO techniques to go along with it, you can leave the best impression on Google’s web crawlers, too.

Do you need help with Photo Optimization or any general SEO?